Hwanjin Kim, Hongjae Nam, Jonggyu Jang, Christopher G. Brinton, David J. Love
Under review, 2025-01-01
Hwanjin Kim, Hongjae Nam, Jonggyu Jang, Christopher G. Brinton, David J. Love
Under review, 2025-01-01
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, David J. Love, Hyun Jong Yang
Under review, 2024-11-06
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, David J. Love, Hyun Jong Yang
Under review, 2024-11-06
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, Jungyeon Koh, Hyun Jong Yang
Under review, 2024-11-01
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, Jungyeon Koh, Hyun Jong Yang
Under review, 2024-11-01
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, Seongjin Hwang, Hyun Jong Yang
Under review, 2024-07-20
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, Seongjin Hwang, Hyun Jong Yang
Under review, 2024-07-20
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, Hyun Jong Yang
Under review, 2024-05-06
Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, Hyun Jong Yang
Under review, 2024-05-06
Hyeonsu Lyu, Jonggyu Jang, Sehyun Ryu, Hyun Jong Yang
Under review, 2024-05-06
Hyeonsu Lyu, Jonggyu Jang, Sehyun Ryu, Hyun Jong Yang
Under review, 2024-05-06
Hyeonsu Lyuπ», Jonggyu Jangπ», Harim Lee, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsTWC, 2024-11-24
Hyeonsu Lyuπ», Jonggyu Jangπ», Harim Lee, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsTWC, 2024-11-24
Youjin Kim, Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Communications LettersCL, 2024-10-08
Youjin Kim, Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Communications LettersCL, 2024-10-08
Minwoo Kimπ», Jonggyu Jangπ», Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile ComputingTMC, 2024-09-02
Minwoo Kimπ», Jonggyu Jangπ», Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile ComputingTMC, 2024-09-02
Jonggyu Jang, Seongjin Hwang, Hyun Jong Yang
International Conference on Machine LearningICML, 2024-07-20
Our study delves into an intriguing question: "Can we find a more efficient substitute for Gaussian noise to secure privacy in DP-signSGD?" We propose an answer with a Logistic mechanism, which conforms to signSGD principles and is interestingly evolved from an exponential mechanism.
Jonggyu Jang, Seongjin Hwang, Hyun Jong Yang
International Conference on Machine LearningICML, 2024-07-20
Our study delves into an intriguing question: "Can we find a more efficient substitute for Gaussian noise to secure privacy in DP-signSGD?" We propose an answer with a Logistic mechanism, which conforms to signSGD principles and is interestingly evolved from an exponential mechanism.
Sehyun Ryuπ», Jonggyu Jangπ», Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE ACCESS, 2024-05-10
In a nutshell, we propose a per-instance noise variance optimization (NVO) game, framed as a common interest sequential game, and show that the Nash equilibrium (NE) points of it inherently guarantee pDP for all data instances.
Sehyun Ryuπ», Jonggyu Jangπ», Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE ACCESS, 2024-05-10
In a nutshell, we propose a per-instance noise variance optimization (NVO) game, framed as a common interest sequential game, and show that the Nash equilibrium (NE) points of it inherently guarantee pDP for all data instances.
Yeongjun Kim, Jonggyu Jangπ», Hyun Jong Yangπ»
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyTVT, 2024-02-20
We propose a deep-reinforcement-learning (DRL)-based joint UA and RA scheme to maximize the minimum rate, i.e., max-min fairness (MMF), with highly limited information exchange among the BSs. The proposed DRL algorithm optimizes UA at each BS in a distributed manner to maximize an MMF objective function with only local CSI and without any iterative process.
Yeongjun Kim, Jonggyu Jangπ», Hyun Jong Yangπ»
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyTVT, 2024-02-20
We propose a deep-reinforcement-learning (DRL)-based joint UA and RA scheme to maximize the minimum rate, i.e., max-min fairness (MMF), with highly limited information exchange among the BSs. The proposed DRL algorithm optimizes UA at each BS in a distributed manner to maximize an MMF objective function with only local CSI and without any iterative process.
Jonggyu Jang, Sangwoo Oh, Youjin Kim, Dongmin Seo, Youngchol Choi, Hyun Jong Yang
Conference on Neural Information Processing SystemsNeurIPS, 2023-12-10
We have collected and annotated a new dataset called Multi-Modal Ship and flOating matter Detection in Aerial Images (M2SODAI), which includes synchronized image pairs of RGB and HSI data, along with bounding box labels for nearly 6,000 instances per category.
Jonggyu Jang, Sangwoo Oh, Youjin Kim, Dongmin Seo, Youngchol Choi, Hyun Jong Yang
Conference on Neural Information Processing SystemsNeurIPS, 2023-12-10
We have collected and annotated a new dataset called Multi-Modal Ship and flOating matter Detection in Aerial Images (M2SODAI), which includes synchronized image pairs of RGB and HSI data, along with bounding box labels for nearly 6,000 instances per category.
Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsTWC, 2022-09-20
We aim to accelerate the computation of the UA and RA with DRL. The proposed scheme outperforms the optimization-based schemes in the throughput, proportional fairness, and max-min fairness metrics.
Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsTWC, 2022-09-20
We aim to accelerate the computation of the UA and RA with DRL. The proposed scheme outperforms the optimization-based schemes in the throughput, proportional fairness, and max-min fairness metrics.
Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Transactions on CommunicationsTCOM, 2022-08-20
This paper tackles the UA and PC optimization for the sum-rate maximization under quality-of-service (QoS) and backhaul constraints. We propose a deep learning-based UA and PC algorithm that can be applied to dynamic HetNets.
Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Transactions on CommunicationsTCOM, 2022-08-20
This paper tackles the UA and PC optimization for the sum-rate maximization under quality-of-service (QoS) and backhaul constraints. We propose a deep learning-based UA and PC algorithm that can be applied to dynamic HetNets.
Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyTVT, 2022-04-20
In pursuit of scalable neural network design, we propose an unsupervised learning-based UA and PC algorithm using a recurrent neural network (RNN).
Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyTVT, 2022-04-20
In pursuit of scalable neural network design, we propose an unsupervised learning-based UA and PC algorithm using a recurrent neural network (RNN).
Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyTVT, 2020-08-30
The proposed algorithm is self-adaptive in time-varying channels, since it is not divided into training and test phases. We modify the target neural network (TNN) scheme to enhance the sum-rate and the convergence speed.
Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyTVT, 2020-08-30
The proposed algorithm is self-adaptive in time-varying channels, since it is not divided into training and test phases. We modify the target neural network (TNN) scheme to enhance the sum-rate and the convergence speed.
Jonggyu Jang, Moohyun Oh, Hyeonsu Lyu, Hyun Jong Yang, Junhee Lee
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and SystemsIROS, 2020-08-10
In this paper, we propose and implement a deep learning-based autonomous SEM machine, which assesses image quality and controls parameters autonomously to get high quality sample images just as if human experts do.
Jonggyu Jang, Moohyun Oh, Hyeonsu Lyu, Hyun Jong Yang, Junhee Lee
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and SystemsIROS, 2020-08-10
In this paper, we propose and implement a deep learning-based autonomous SEM machine, which assesses image quality and controls parameters autonomously to get high quality sample images just as if human experts do.
Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang, Hyekyung Jwa
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyTVT, 2019-11-10
Motivated by the fact that the condition for obtaining the near-global solution with the dual problem approach is rarely satisfied for increasing number of users, we derive explicit first order optimality conditions to obtain a 2-distance ring solution of the primal UA and RA problem, and propose a sequential optimization method. In addition, we propose a PC algorithm based on the first order KKT optimality conditions, in which transmission power of each RB is iteratively updated.
Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang, Hyekyung Jwa
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyTVT, 2019-11-10
Motivated by the fact that the condition for obtaining the near-global solution with the dual problem approach is rarely satisfied for increasing number of users, we derive explicit first order optimality conditions to obtain a 2-distance ring solution of the primal UA and RA problem, and propose a sequential optimization method. In addition, we propose a PC algorithm based on the first order KKT optimality conditions, in which transmission power of each RB is iteratively updated.
Sehyun Ryu, Hosung Joo, Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024-07-20 Oral | 3min
Sehyun Ryu, Hosung Joo, Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024-07-20 Oral | 3min
Jungyeon Koh, Hyeonsu Lyu, Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
ICML Workshop on Mechanistic Interpretability (ICML Wksp), 2024-02-20 Spotlight | top-20%
Jungyeon Koh, Hyeonsu Lyu, Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
ICML Workshop on Mechanistic Interpretability (ICML Wksp), 2024-02-20 Spotlight | top-20%
Youjin Kim, Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (ACSSC), 2020-11-10
Youjin Kim, Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (ACSSC), 2020-11-10
Yein Heo, Jonggyu Jang, Yeongjun Kim, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), 2020-10-10
Yein Heo, Jonggyu Jang, Yeongjun Kim, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), 2020-10-10
Jonggyu Jang, Jung Hwa Park, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), 2020-10-10
Jonggyu Jang, Jung Hwa Park, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), 2020-10-10
Hyun Jong Yang, Moohyun Oh, Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, Junhee Lee
Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M), 2020-08-10
Hyun Jong Yang, Moohyun Oh, Jonggyu Jang, Hyeonsu Lyu, Junhee Lee
Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M), 2020-08-10
Huisoo Kim, Moohyun Oh, Heerang Lee, Jonggyu Jang, Myeung Un Kim, Hyun Jong Yang, Michael Ryoo, Junhee Lee
Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M), 2019-08-10
Huisoo Kim, Moohyun Oh, Heerang Lee, Jonggyu Jang, Myeung Un Kim, Hyun Jong Yang, Michael Ryoo, Junhee Lee
Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M), 2019-08-10
Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang, Sunghyun Kim
IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), 2018-08-10
Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang, Sunghyun Kim
IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), 2018-08-10
Jonggyu Jang, Woojin Park, Hyun Jong Yang, Hye Gyung Jwa
IEEE Asiloar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (ACSSC), 2016-11-10
Jonggyu Jang, Woojin Park, Hyun Jong Yang, Hye Gyung Jwa
IEEE Asiloar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (ACSSC), 2016-11-10
Yeongjun Kim, Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Vehicle Technology Conference (VTC), 2016-09-10
Yeongjun Kim, Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang
IEEE Vehicle Technology Conference (VTC), 2016-09-10